Double ribbon lei instructions
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Apr 14, 2018 - How to make a double braided ribbon lei with 4 strands of ribbon. And easy-to-follow ribbon lei tutorial perfect for Hawaiian graduation lei Lay the ribbons down in front of you on a clear, dry surface. The ribbons should be positioned vertically, with the knot end of the ribbon positioned closest to Apr 27, 2015 - Learn how to make a double braided Hawaiian ribbon lei that looks fantstic with two colors of ribbon! Perfect for graduations. Video tutorial Double Braided Ribbon Lei Tutorial From the blogger: "In Hawai'i, it's tradition to give leis at graduation. Leis are made in many different styles. Since I How to Make a Double Braided Hawaiian Ribbon Lei with Four Strands · 1. Prepare your ribbons! · 2. Pair off your ribbons. · 3. Tie a slip knot in You are making 2 two ribbon leis while crossing the 2 inner ribbons to keep the leis together. Be sure to stop after each pair of loops to straighten theThe double braided ribbon lei is made with 4 separate strands of ribbon. To keep the ribbon from getting tangled (and yourself from becoming
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